Untangling Knots

An exhibition by Jai Sallay-Carrington

On view July 22nd - September 21st by appointment

Artist Talk: Friday, July 26th, 6-7PM - RSVP here

Exhibition Opening Reception: Friday, July 26th, 7-9PM

Workshop: Sunday, July 28th, 12-4PM - Enroll here

Jai Sallay-Carrington is a figurative ceramic sculptor creating works about human identities, behaviour and emotions using anthropomorphic creatures. Reflecting on their queer and trans-non-binary gender identity, Jai creates sculptures which challenge and analyze the dominant heteronormative and cisgendered society and promote those identities which exist outside of those norms. They question the role that gender, sexuality and desire have in forming an individual’s character and placement within their culture. Jai’s sculptures speak to a feeling of otherness, but not necessarily of physical traits that can be immediately viewed by the public. These identities exist within, they are either shared or kept a secret. The zoomorphic qualities of their sculptures shed light on those human characteristics hidden from the naked eye. As each animal comes with its own unique qualities, as well as the myths and stories associated with them, when anthropomorphized, their addition to the human form creates a deeper understanding of that individual’s personality and experiences. Jai’s sculptures work to normalize and celebrate those LGBTQIA+ individuals who do not fit into those strict societal norms which aim to exclude and demonize them.

Please call (206) 209-1094 or email shayla@potterynorthwest.org to inquire about purchasing artwork.

  • Emanation


    Soda fired stoneware, flashing slip, glaze, metallic paint, fabric

    40 x 24 x 67 inches


  • The Last Unicorn


    Soda fired stoneware, porcelain, lustre glaze, flashing slip, plaster, graphite, metal

    24 x 26 x 75 inches


  • Details


    Stoneware, stains, terra sigillata and smoke fired and electric fired

    26 x 8 x 14 inches


  • Ambiguity


    Stoneware, glazes, stains, electric fired

    11 x 5 x 13 inches


  • Confection


    7 x 4 x 11 inches

    Stoneware, underglazes, stains, electric fired


  • Puttanesca


    Stoneware, underglazes, stains, electric fired

    7 x 4.5 x 17 inches


  • My Body My Choice


    20 x 9 x 8 inches

    red and white stoneware, stains, electric fired


  • Queen of the Rodents


    Smoke fired ceramic and gold leaf

    13 x 10 x 18 inches


  • Delicious


    Stoneware, underglazes, terra sigillata, smoke fired and electric fired 

    24 x 10 x 36 inches


  • Being Seen, Being/Seeing


    Recycled stoneware, stains, cone 6 electric fired

    18 x 14 x 6 inches


  • Fenced In


    Smoke fired stoneware with terra sigillata, wood fired porcelain

    60 x 18 x 24 inches


  • Two Versions, One Self


    Stoneware, glaze, electric fired

    35 x 7 x 16 inches


  • Out


    Soda fired red stoneware, underglaze, glaze, gesso 

    28 x 5 x 25 inches
