Palash Bharadwaj

My first introduction to clay and the wheel – and the associated epiphanies – came relatively late in life,  when I took an evening throwing class in Rochester, NY back in 2010. In the years that followed, in solitude and in the company of the amazing potters I met as teachers and fellow students, that first encounter with the wheel would come to fundamentally alter the way I saw and interpreted the world. Better late than never.

I was born and raised in Bhilai, a small town next to a large steel plant in central India. I studied electrical engineering at IIT Bombay (1998-2003) and physics at the University of Rochester (2003-2012). Almost everything I know about clay, I owe it to my teachers John Foelber and Judy Adams of Houston, TX.  I find the intersection of science, engineering, and art deeply fascinating, and I aspire to create ceramic works that explore this overlay in the future.  

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